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Best Offense Hero – October 2017 (Season 6) – Overwatch


Our continuously updated guide to the most powerful Offense heroes in Overwatch.

Among the usual roster of snipers and run-and-gun soldiers, Overwatch has some of the most imaginatively designed characters we’ve seen in a shooter for some time, and a fair few of these can be found under the Offense category of heroes. Some of these characters specialise in obliterating the enemy with a combination of speed and burst damage, for example, while others take a more tactical approach to combat.

Regardless of how they choose to get the job done, all of these characters are designed to work well in a pretty broad variety of team compositions – not to mention across a wide variety of maps and game modes. When you’re queuing up for a solo match with a handful of random strangers, however, then it’s safe to say that some picks can have a much bigger impact on the outcome of battle than others.

For starters, you can’t guarantee that someone will provide solid Support, for example, which means that Heroes who possess amazing mobility and self-sustain abilities become a very appealing pick. You might also have to think beyond your own team composition too. If your teammates are struggling to break through the enemy’s front lines, then Heroes like Reaper and Tracer allow you to take matters into your own hands and eliminate a particularly stubborn threat very quickly. In maps with plenty of wide open spaces, Pharah can be used to devastating effect. A flexibility approach to Hero choice is vital, in other words.

To help you pick out a Hero that can make a significant difference as a solo soldier, we’ve put together our ranked list of who we believe are the best Offense heroes in Overwatch as of the latest patch. We’ll update this article every single month, taking into account the most recent balance patches, as well as the prevailing mood in the current metagame, and the opinions of the pros. Let us know your own picks in the comments section at the end of this article!

EDITOR’S UPDATE: As we move into February, we’ve seen a D.Va nerf which means great news for practically every DPS hero as she can’t soak up all of their damage. What’s more, Reaper has been buffed significantly so we’ve bumped him up a rung accordingly. Otherwise, things remain largely the same. Practically everyone is viable, it’s all down to what composition you are running and the situation at hand.

Offense hero rankings – Season 14

Rank Hero Guide Role
10 Symmetra Symmetra guide Offense
9 Sombra Sombra guide Offense
8 Doomfist Doomfist guide Offense
7 Soldier: 76 Soldier: 76 guide Offense
6 Ashe Ashe guide Offense
5 Pharah Pharah guide Offense
4 Reaper Reaper guide Offense
3 Tracer Tracer guide Offense
2 McCree McCree guide Offense
1 Genji Genji guide Offense

10. Symmetra

Symmetra’s similar to Sombra, in that she’s a niche pick that can work in a very specific scenario. You’ll need a team of like-minded players who are all on the same page if you really want to take advantage of the utility she provides.

Symmetra’s laser can deal some pretty nasty damage, but it’s too predictable and easily countered by the likes of D.Va who can soak all the orbs up. It’s best if you pick another offense hero in all honesty…

9. Sombra

While Sombra brings a very unique set of skills to the game, such as hacking health packs and enemy abilities, she’s yet to make a real dent in solo queue. As of late, top Overwatch teams have started to pick up on her disruptive abilities, even centering their play around her EMP ability. Still, this shows she’s an extremely situational pick only really meant for coordinated teamplay.

Unless Blizzard give her a buff, we don’t see her moving up our tier list anytime soon.

8. Doomfist

Doomfist used to occupy the top spot in this list for quite a while, but he’s since been nerfed to the ground. Blizzard’s removed all of his CC capabilities, effectively rendering him obsolete when you’ve got the likes of Genji and Tracer around. It might be a while until we see him back at the top, but for now, expect to see other mobile flankers taking his spot.

7. Soldier: 76

Some find Soldier: 76’s combat style just a little too vanilla to get all that excited about, and it’s certainly true that he’s not exactly the most imaginative character on the roster of Overwatch Heroes.

This grizzly marine is more than just a run-and-gun soldier though, and the extra healing support that he provides his team with can be enough to salvage a really rotten engagement. The fact that he can also sprint back into battle nice and quickly makes him a very versatile offensive force to be reckoned with in the solo queue.

6. Ashe

Much like McCree, Ashe is heavily reliant on landing shots. If you’re prone to missing a few trigger pulls here and there, you simply won’t be doing enough damage to warrant picking this hero. She’s capable of a frightening amount of damage and has brilliant utility, but you’ll need to master this mechanic-driven hero first!

5. Tracer

While she’s extremely tricky to play, a Tracer on the rampage is a thing to be feared indeed. She can have a devastating effect on the shape of a match – particularly given the current strength of burst damage – but you need quick wits to make the most of her in situations that are often extremely frantic.

Even Tracer’s Ultimate – though very powerful – requires nimble reactions and aiming skills if you’re to get the most out of it. Still, her ability to tear apart both turrets and tanks alike make her an incredible asset to any team – assuming she’s being wielded in the right hands, of course…

It also takes a little bit of practise to combine her mobility with precision aiming, so do yourself and your future teammates a favour and go and smash up a few bots before joining the solo queue!

4. Reaper

Reaper fills a very specific role in the game, roaming around the map and picking off targets who never see him coming. He does his best damage when he’s up-close and personal with his victims, chipping through their health shot after shot.

It’s great that he’s finally made a comeback thanks to a round of buffs to his self-healing and Death Blossom. He’s not absolutely top tier, but he’s certainly strong enough to make an impact now.

Our most popular Overwatch articles:

3. Pharah

Pharah’s ability to rain rockets from the sky make her an obvious choice for maps that don’t restrict her amazing mobility. She’s able to flank from almost anywhere and it makes her a very hard, frustrating target to take down if you’re on opposing team. We recommend getting to know the maps extremely well before heading into battle with this hero, as you require a large degree of spatial awareness if you’re to have her aerial bombardment skills make a significant effect on the battlefield.

2. McCree

McCree packs an extraordinary punch when played on just about any team, although he does suffer somewhat from a lack of strong emergency mobility options. You’ll also need very sharp reflexes to pull off his stun/flurry combo with any degree of accuracy.

Perfect your aim and McCree’s a great choice for picking off flankers with a “stun-n-dink” combo, as well as dealing some pretty devastating damage to tanks and healers unfortunate enough to catch a bullet.

1. Genji

If you really and truly know what you’re doing with Genji, then you could change the course of a match, but his skill ceiling means he tends to fair less well against other Heroes in this category. Master the way of the ninja though, and you’ll be more than a nuisance to the enemy team. A good Genji is immeasurably difficult to deal with!

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