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Quest Rogue deck list guide – Rastakhan – Hearthstone (January 2019)


Our guide to playing Quest Rogue in the new meta.

Our Quest Rogue deck list guide features the best deck list for Season 65 of Hearthstone (August 2019). You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos. We will continue to update the list to help you play the best possible Quest Rogue list.

The new Rogue Quest, Bazaar Burglary, could just be what was needed to push the Thief Rogue archetype over the top. Adding cards from other classes to your hand and playing them as you see fit is a really exciting and dynamic way to play. Unfortunately, despite support for the deck being released in numerous expansions, from the Witchwood’s Tess Greymane to Rise of Shadows’ Hench-Clan Burglar, it’s never seen its potential realised due to a lack of survivability for the deck to go into the long game. That could be all about to change though.

We anticipate that folks will be less furious with this edition of Quest Rogue compared to the one we saw in Journey to Un’Goro. Having a 3/2 weapon that gives your Hero Immune while they’re attacking is a big deal, especially when Rogue has so often struggled with its lack of healing and class Taunt cards. This ability to chop down enemy minions without taking damage is hugely powerful, especially given the 3 attack on the weapon being even larger than Odd Rogue of old. Tempo-wise, the two charges on the weapon allow the player to use their mana more efficiently too, only having to re-dagger every other turn.

Quest Rogue deck list and strategy

Here is the version of Quest Rogue we’re using for the start of Saviors of Uldum. The meta is still volatile, so be warned that crafting all of these cards may not be the best idea, but one thing’s for sure: Quest Rogue is going to be a fun deck to play and there’s going to be a whole lot of highlights online when this deck comes up with something nutty. We’re just thankful that Tess Greymane might finally be viable!

Rogue Neutral
2 x Backstab 2 x EVIL Cable Rat
2 x Shadowstep 2 x Questing Explorer
1 x Bazaar Burglary
2 x Pharaoh Cat
2 x Clever Disguise
2 x Blink Fox
1 x Edwin VanCleef
2 x EVIL Miscreant
2 x SI:7 Agent
2 x Hench-Clan Burglar
2 x Spirit of the Shark
2 x Vendetta
2 x Bazaar Mugger
1 x Heistbaron Togwaggle
1 x Tess Greymane

Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game.

Deck Import ID: AAECAaIHBLIC6/ACkpcDp6gDDbQB7QLdCMf4ArSGA7SRA4+XA5CXA/6aA7ulA/WnA6qoA62oAwA=

More great Rogue guides:

General strategy

Bazaar Burglary, the brand new Saviors of Uldum Rogue Quest, offers a strong bonus for adding cards to your hand from other classes. A 2 mana 3/2 weapon is good enough as is, as seen from the 2/2 weapon afforded by Odd Rogue, but giving your Hero Immune while they attack is a huge bonus. It means you can slap about minions with high attack with no consequence to your health total, offering you a great deal more flexibility and survivability as well as allowing for you to actually utilise the value gained by all the cards from other classes you’ve added to your deck.

Early Game: Early on in the game, you’ll want to play out your Quest and get some burgling going. Clever Disguise halfway completes your quest in one go, and Pharaoh Cat and Blink Fox can increase your Quest progress whilst simultaneously adding value to your hand. EVIL Miscreant remains a great early play to get a couple of Lackeys in hand, and although they don’t progress your Quest they’re as impactful as ever.

Mid Game: Now could be a good time to build a big Edwin VanCleef if you have a few cheap cards in hand. Vendetta helps with this while simultaneously slicing down enemy minions for free as long as you’re holding a card from another class. Spirit of the Shark, with its Stealth ability, can stick on the board and double up on Battlecries, including Lackeys and Thief-style cards like Hench-Clan Burglar and Bazaar Mugger.

When you’ve completed the Quest, it’s time to start stabilising. Your 2 mana 3/2 weapon that protects your Hero when you attack is huge for this. Hit their big minions and help get rid of them with cards of your own, all the while gathering value with cards from other classes. Think carefully which cards will work best in a given situation – every game will play out differently so it’s important to keep your head in the game and alter your gameplan according to your opponent’s actions. Against control decks, you might want to pick cards that can end the game swiftly, whilst aggressive opponents might call for a more measured approach, picking cards to stall them and clear minions.

Late Game: After the early onslaught you might have been dealing with, you’ve hopefully been able to get a foothold in the game. Your consistent weapon is a great option when you face constant value generation such as against a Control Warrior, and if you get the chance to play Tess Greymane at this point in the game you can close it out with her incredible Battlecry that replays every single card you’ve played from another class over the whole game.

Heistbaron Togwaggle along with a Lackey is another excellent way to close out the game, particularly if you get lucky with a Zarog’s Crown pull. Your win condition is value-based, and this deck has a whole host of ways to generate exactly that.

Quest Rogue Mulligan Guide

Early on in the game, you should be looking to get Bazaar Burglary completed as swiftly as possible.

1. Obviously, the Bazaar Burglary Quest on turn 1 is a great choice for most opponents. You should be able to regenerate the value later on in the game through your reward.

2. Clever Disguise will get you on the way to Quest completion, giving you access to that sweet, sweet Ancient Blades Hero Power sooner.

3. Questing Explorer, whilst not directly impacting your Quest completion, will draw you the card you ‘lost’ in the early game by playing Bazaar Burglary, and a 2 mana 2/3 minion isn’t half bad in the early game.

Quest Rogue tips, combos and synergies

We’ve been playing some Quest Rogue at the start of the expansion so have a few tips on things to watch out for when you play this deck:

Tess Greymane is a huge play at the end of the game, but be careful to remember which cards you’ve already played! You don’t want to end up casting spells or summoning minions that’ll harm your own game plan.

Hench-Clan Burglar allows you to choose the spell that’s added to your hand, so choose wisely depending on the game’s situation.

Pharaoh Cat might not give you a card from another class every time. A fair few Reborn cards are Neutral.

– Always be ready to adjust your game, as your deck allows you to do so.

Questing Explorer won’t draw you a card if you’ve already finished your Quest, so look for her early!

EVIL Miscreant offers two Lackey cards which can be combined with Shadowstep to replay them for their effects, as well as Spirit of the Shark which doubles up their Battlecries if it’s on the board.

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